CV Partner is now Flowcase

Our journey to becoming Flowcase

We have some exciting news to share! CV Partner, the name you've known and trusted for years, is evolving. As we continue to help professional services firms showcase their exceptional talents, we’ve realized it’s time for a change. Today, we’re excited to introduce our new name: Flowcase.‍

Why this change?

Our decision to rebrand wasn’t made overnight. It’s been driven by several significant factors that reflect our growth and aspirations.As we ventured into new territories, particularly North America, we encountered a challenge. The term "CV" isn't widely recognized globally, leading to confusion about our services. We wanted a name that could resonate with international audiences and clearly represent our expanding role.

Our platform has evolved far beyond managing CVs and resumes. While this remains a core focus, we've broadened our capabilities to include creating detailed case studies. Flowcase better captures this comprehensive suite of services, embodying the full spectrum of what we offer.

Moreover, our previous name sometimes led to misconceptions. People often thought we were a resume tool for individual job seekers rather than a robust B2B SaaS platform. With Flowcase, we aim to clarify our identity and highlight our true purpose.

Why Flowcase?

At its heart, the name represents how we streamline the flow of information to help you present the strongest case for your bids. There’s a clever play on words here—melding "flow" with "showcase" to reflect our commitment to facilitating your success.

Flowcase also mirrors the cyclical nature of your work. Each successful bid brings new projects, skills, and experiences, which you can then highlight in future proposals. Our new name embodies this dynamic process, representing both the ongoing flow of your firm's achievements and the showcase of your evolving expertise.

Why now?

Rebranding has long been on our agenda, but our focus on sustained growth often kept it on hold. With our recent expansion into North America, the time felt right to embrace a name that aligns with our global expansion.

What does this mean for you?

In short, not much will change for you. We remain as committed as ever to delivering top-notch resume, CV, and case study software for professional services. If you’re a long time customer, feel free to continue calling us by our old name— know that Flowcase is here, ready to take our partnership to new heights.

Here’s to exciting new beginnings and the journey ahead with Flowcase!

Want to learn more? Check out the FAQ page here. 

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