
Wir arbeiten ständig an der Verbesserung unserer Software. Produktupdates finden Sie her.

Light feature

February 3, 2021

New field "Collaborating Partners" for reference projects

We just added a new field in the reference projects where you are able to add your collaborating partners.

New feature

January 15, 2021

You can now download reference projects data as an excel or CSV report

We have previously released the feature allowing downloading various CV reports, and we are now extending this feature with new reports for the reference project tab.

Updated feature

December 11, 2020

Suggestions in the application now displays were it is sourced from

In CV Partner, the application tries to give suggestions while you type to keep consistency and to ensure that you are using the official company terms. The suggestions now shows if it is an official company suggestion or a suggestion from other CVs.


December 3, 2020

Each section in the CV now has a unique ID you can set when synchronizing data with CV Partner through the API

Each section in the CV now has an external unique identifier you can set via the API. This could be used when adding, updating, or removing data from CV Partner while synchronizing from another system.

Updated feature

November 25, 2020

The edit CV page was updated with some UI changes

We just released some UI changes to the edit CV Page to make it easier to find the relevant sections while editing the CVs, as well as to make room for our new upcoming section comments feature.