Wir arbeiten ständig an der Verbesserung unserer Software. Produktupdates finden Sie her.
February 4, 2020
Template generator: Added new image settings
It is now possible to set a cover option for images in the template generator. This allows for a more dynamic image setup in the word and PDF reference templates.
January 8, 2020
Your project experiences can now be sorted automatically by dates
We have added a button to automatically sort project experiences chronologically. Previously, our users have only been able to re-order their project experiences via drag-and-drop, so for larger CVs it could take some time to get them in the right order.
December 16, 2019
You are now able to synchronize data between case studies and CVs
As project references in CVs and case studies change over time, it is important that the data in your CVs stay in sync with the data in your case studies. Each case study now has an overview of any data variations which exist in your CVs as well as the action to synchronize the data.