
Wir arbeiten ständig an der Verbesserung unserer Software. Produktupdates finden Sie her.

Updated feature

September 15, 2017

Replacing chat service for increased GDPR compliance

We have replaced our previous support chat service supplier with Zendesk for increased GDPR compliance, you will hopefully not experience much difference.

Updated feature

August 21, 2017

Proposal dashboard - updated

We have redesigned the proposal sidebar for easier access to your current proposals and a better overview of the proposals you own. We also added some highly requested features such as being able to rename the proposal and change the owner.

New feature

August 11, 2017

Customize interface for reference projects

Each company can now disable or enable certain fields in the reference project section of CV Partner. Specific instructions to employees can also be added to each section in the references.


August 10, 2017

Update page - live!

Our user base has grown a lot lately, and we still want to be able to inform you all of our continuous progression. We therefore created this page, where we are going to post all our important updates, bug fixes, enhancements, and new features.

New feature

June 1, 2017

New section: Mentoring

We just added a new optional section for the CV's called "Mentoring". This section is created for adding experiences as a mentor in other projects.