Flowcase is a best-of-breed SaaS tool which helps professional services and engineering consultancy firms win more bids and proposals. The tool helps you get full control over your skills, experiences, projects, education for your employees. You can easily tailor and format the data and export it directly in the format required, no copy paste or formatting needed.
If your bid team is often required to submit the CVs and Case Studies in a specific format such as the WB, IBRD, IDA, EU, KFW, Europass, EuropeAID or other formats then being able to get this format exported each time you are asked to provide them will save you time. Below is a quick demo of how the same CV data can be exported in a custom branded and a World Bank template with just one click.
Saving time is an obvious measurable benefit. As an added benefits the government and NGO bids are increasingly being scored based on "Consultant Specific Experience" as well as "Key Personnel", meaning their individual skills and experiences. Compared with price and methodology, it is often the most important criteria. Therefore, being able to highlight the most relevant skills and experiences each time will help you get a better scoring on your bids, thus increasing the chance of winning. Flowcase allows you to do both.
The next time you are planning to submit a bid, you should think about how Flowcase can help you save time and increase your win rate.
Do you want to see it for yourself? Book a demo here!