Today, each Flowcase company account get a unique subdomain, normally <>. Within this domain you can create users, manage masterdata, have your own custom templates, and set security settings for that account. Also within the account, users have access to read and edit CVs and Case Studies based on their users access level.
It is also possible to share CV and Case study content between companies or subdomains using the collaborative proposal function and in this way work together with other Flowcase companies or accounts on bids and proposals using shared bids and templates.
However, sometimes companies merge, get acquired or for other reasons have had separate accounts in Flowcase and want to be able to find CVs and Case Studies in each others accounts. Also, for large multinational roll-outs, some companies might want to have their own separate accounts in each country and then link them together when needed.
Therefore we have created the “group configuration” where you can perform searches and find content across linked accounts, without having multiple users throughout several accounts. Ideal for large, multinational corporations!
Contact us for more information on how this can help your Flowcase account.