Our platform is all about collaboration and the power of your teams when they work together. So we understand how helpful it is when the different business tools your business rely on can collaborate with one another as well.
We currently have two options for integrations with the Flowcase platform:
- ‘Single Sign-On’ - helps your team to log into multiple systems with just one set of log-in credentials, so individuals don’t need a separate username and password to log into Flowcase each time. Along with Google Apps For Work, we support SSO out-of-the box. So if you’re using SAML tools (Azure, ADFS, Okta etc), you can get started straight away.
- Custom Build - a custom integration can be developed in conjunction with Flowcase. Each business is unique, and our clients use a range of tools and software. Let us know your requirements and we can discuss your options.
The Flowcase API
To power all our integrations, we’ve built our own API to help develop new and highly intelligent integrations and drive your business processes forward.
You can use our API to develop your own integrations, but we’re more than happy to offer our technical knowhow and help you create something together. Examples of integrations our clients have already built include:
- HR Systems
- Salesforce CRM
- Custom Dashboards
- Business Intelligence tools such as Qlik
- CRM systems
- ERP systems
- Finance and accounting systems
- AD (Active Directory)
- CMS systems (for exporting data on clients own websites)
Technical Specifications
API Documentation: available inside the application