How to convert your "old" CVs, resumes, and case studies to the new brand, font, format and logo

Are you planning a company rebrand?

Your website and social media are easy to update, but what about all of your CVs, resumes, case studies and past performances? In many cases, they are forgotten and out-dated since they are using the old brand, and manually updating each document is time consuming.

Flowcase treats the content in your CVs, resumes, and case studies as data. Flowcase can take your Word, PDF or Powerpoint files and turn them into structured data, which can then easily be exported in the new format. In Flowcase, the content (or CV and Case Study data as we call it) is separated from the Word, PDF and PowerPoint export templates, allowing you to have much more flexibility.

Export data in any design using Flowcase

Using Flowcase's powerful, custom template generator, you can export your resumes and CVs in any format, using your desired fonts, logos, colors and design. Therefore, if you are already using Flowcase, rebranding can indeed be very easy. Simply send us the new design and we will implement it and you can enjoy your entire database, exportable in the new design.

If you are not using Flowcase yet, then a rebranding is a good reason to get started. Instead of manually copy pasting, or re-formatting all of your colleagues' resumes, CVs, and case studies, Flowcase can automate this task. You can either put the data directly into your new Flowcase account, and have all the content available for export in the new brand. Alternatively, if your content is already properly formatted as Word files or a more structured format, we can import your old resume, CV, and case study documents into Flowcase automatically.

Read our white paper on how you can do a rebranding with just a few clicks using Flowcase.

Many happy Flowcase clients have saved countless hours and needless suffering not having to manually format and rebrand their content manually. Learn more how Flowcase can help your company today.

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