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Generer piksel-perfekte CV-er og referanseprosjekter, uten manuell formatering
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From hosting resume data to presenting bid-winning documents
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Via its Templates tool, Flowcase eliminates the need for manual copying and pasting of CV and resume data into proposal forms. The smart export feature allows you to map standardized profile data directly to various proposal form fields - whether it's a custom template or industry-standard form.
By exporting your Flowcase CVs and resumes into company branded templates, you can ensure all your teams CVs and resumes are uniform and standardized.
Using Flowcase you can push CV and resume data into any template or form that you need to populate, including all commonly required forms, such as the SF 330, FIDIC, World Bank, Europass, and many many others. We’ve worked with many clients who have these needs.
When you’re showcasing multiple members of your team, consistent formatting of CVs and resumes presents a professional first impression. It shows that your team is organized, aligned, and detailed in your work. This serves to indicate that your project delivery will be equally meticulous.
There are two ways you can create templates in Flowcase. The first is to request them from our dedicated Templates team. They have experience in creating templates for a range of use-cases, from company-branded templates to bid-specific forms. The second way is to create them yourself in our intuitive drag-and-drop editor. Here you can easily define the structure, formatting, and content sections, and set up dynamic field mappings to auto-populate content with Flowcase data.
Again, Flowcase Templates are an excellent way of quickly bulk-changing content or design across your team’s CVs and resumes. This is especially useful for a rebrand, whether that’s a rebrand of your whole firm, or just a specific location or team.