
Dokumenter selskapets kompetanse og vinn flere anbud

Flowcase revolusjonerer arbeidet med CV-er og referanseprosjekter, og hjelper selskaper presentere kompetanse på en bedre måte


Brukes av over 400 konsulentselskaper

En enkelt kilde til sannhet for selskapets kompetanse

Importer dine CV-er til strukturerte databasen i Flowcase og få kontroll på referanseprosjekter.

Finn relevant kompetanse med ett raskt søk

Med ansatt- og prosjektdata i Flowcase blir kompetanse og erfaring søkbart. Kombiner søkeord og filtre for å finne rett kompetanse og referanseprosjekter på kort tid.

Spissing for tilbud og anbud har aldri vært enklere

Lag skreddersydde CV-er og referanseprosjekter for å møte anbudskravene. Eliminer versjoneringsproblemer og gjenbruk innhold med få klikk.

Flowcase genererer ferdige dokumenter til tilbud og anbud

Generer ferdig formaterte dokumenter enkelt - fra komplekse offentlige anbud til selskapets egne maler. Ingen mer copy paste.

Alt du trenger for å effektivisere anbud

Med KI-drevet forslag, en rekke integrasjoner og et fleksibelt grensesnitt, finner du alle verktøyene som trengs for å optimalisere arbeidsflyten. Personvern og datasikkerhet er ivaretatt.


Fornøyde kunder deler sine erfaringer

Hør hvordan Flowcase har hjulpet selskaper å vinne flere anbud, spare tid og få kontroll på kompetansen i selskapet.

"Since 2014, Flowcase has been a cornerstone for Sopra Steria Scandinavia, replacing their internal CV systems. The availability of Norwegian support and a user-friendly interface in Norwegian were key drivers in the decision to implement the tool."

Grethe Milivojevic, Senior Consultant

"After implementing Flowcase, we're already starting to see some benefits - better GDPR and quality control of data, more motivation from employees, and also a quality and easy tender and bid process out to our new and existing customers. Many of our employees need to update their CVs regularly. By having a single intuitive platform to use like Flowcase, this helps the employees to do just that."

Tom Heavens, Senior Manager

"Without Flowcase, Crayon as a global company would have used much more resources in searching and finding the skills and competencies we need to support our customers in the best possible way."

Christine Tank-Nielsen, Global People Development Director

A resume and case study management platform designed to grow with your business


KI-drevne anbud

Oppdag hvordan Flowcases KI-funksjoner effektiviserer prosesser og forbedrer anbudskvaliteten


Den nye måten å administrere selskapets kompetanse på

Få kontroll over selskapets kompetanse og erfaring med Flowcase


Flowcase passer i ditt eksisterende oppsett

Flowcase er et best-of-breed verktøy som kan integreres med deres CRM-, ERP- og HR-verktøy

Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between a CV and resume database and a shared drive?

In contrast to shared drives, a dedicated CV and resume database allows for easy information capture and maintenance, easy searching across specific skills and experiences, the ability to analyse employee data, and the ability to generate documents with the underlying data. A shared drive typically provides basic file storage without specialized features for managing and utilizing CV data effectively.

What are the benefits of a centralized CV, resume and reference project system?

A centralized CV, resume and reference project system, such as Flowacase offers numerous benefits, including improved data consistency, easier updates, enhanced searchability, and streamlined proposal creation. It ensures all team members work with the most current information, enables project teams to be assembled easily, and allows for quick generation of tailored documents.

How can I find specific team members that match the RFP’s requirements?

Since CV and resume data in Flowcase is searchable, users can easily search across skills, experiences, roles, certifications, and more to find the most suited employees for the RFP.

How can I efficiently tailor my team's CVs and resumes for each proposal?

With Flowcase users can use our intuitive editor to tailor CV and resume content, reorder experiences, and highlight relevant skills and roles, to meet the client’s needs. These changes don’t affect the master CV or resume.

How can I efficiently format CVs and resumes for different requirements?

Using Flowcase’s Templates feature, users can 1-click export CVs and resumes into the formats that are required by the RFP. This means teams can automate time-intensive forms like the SF 330, FIDIC, WorldBank, Europass, and many others.

How do I ensure consistency across my proposal documents?

Flowcase has a range of features that ensures consistency across proposal documents, including a standardized interface for CV, resume and case study creation, Metadata to govern the terminology used across all content, and Templates that