
Vi arbetar kontinuerligt med att förbättra vår programvara. För att hålla er uppdaterade med de senaste uppdateringarna följ denna sida och prenumerera vårt nyhetsbrev.


August 19, 2022

Form label changes for cost and extent fields

We are adjusting some of the form labels in our application, specifically the project cost / project hours field label will be changed. The labels should also be more consistent throughout the tool.

Updated feature

August 12, 2022

New publications report and some changes to reports

We just added a new report for "Publications". We also made the reports more consistent, which means they now contain all the various languages in your account and marks if the data is an official masterdata or not.

New feature

July 1, 2022

Users can now find reference projects they have worked on, and add it directly to their CV

Today we launched the possibility for users to find projects done by the company, see who worked on the project, and add the project to their own CV directly.

New feature

May 24, 2022

Highlight the most relevant CV sections with the click of a button

By using our new bulk highlight tailoring functionality, you can now choose what sections should be highlighted based on; roles, skills, project type or industry.

New feature

April 20, 2022

Roles - years of experience calculation and search

You can now search for users with a certain years of experience for a specific role. We auto-calculate the years of experience based on the duration of project experiences with that role, the same way as we auto calculate the years of experience in skills today.