Från CV-stress till anbudsframgång

Flowcase ger konsultföretag möjlighet att enkelt skapa skräddarsydda CV:n och referensprojekt, och hjälper dem att vinna fler anbud på kortare tid


Används av över 400 företag

Vinnande anbudsdokument, utan manuellt arbete

Öka era vinstchanser

Hitta det perfekta projektteamet och anpassa deras CV:n på detaljnivå. Möt inte bara anbudskraven, överträffa dem.

Spara timmar i processen

Automatisera det tradiga arbetet med att klippa, klistra in och omformatera innehåll, och spara över 50 timmar i månaden för dina anbudsansvariga.

Förändra ert sätt att lämna anbud

Sluta stressa ihop anbudsdokument i sista minuten. Med all information enkelt till hands kan du snabbt svara på anbudsförfrågningar och upphandlingar. Gå från att vara reaktiv till att vara proaktiv.

Verkliga berättelser från faktiska användare

Därför förnyar 98% av våra kunder

Hör våra kunders egna ord om hur Flowcase har hjälpt dem att skapa vinnande anbud, spara tid och nå sina mål.

"Since 2014, Flowcase has been a cornerstone for Sopra Steria Scandinavia, replacing their internal CV systems. The availability of Norwegian support and a user-friendly interface in Norwegian were key drivers in the decision to implement the tool."

Grethe Milivojevic, Senior Consultant

"After implementing Flowcase, we're already starting to see some benefits - better GDPR and quality control of data, more motivation from employees, and also a quality and easy tender and bid process out to our new and existing customers. Many of our employees need to update their CVs regularly. By having a single intuitive platform to use like Flowcase, this helps the employees to do just that."

Tom Heavens, Senior Manager

"Without Flowcase, Crayon as a global company would have used much more resources in searching and finding the skills and competencies we need to support our customers in the best possible way."

Christine Tank-Nielsen, Global People Development Director

Att förbereda ett anbud bör inte ta tusentals timmar

Vi har allt du behöver för att effektivisera skapandet av anbudsdokument

Berättelser och evenemang som hjälper dig att växa

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Frequently asked questions

How can I efficiently manage my team's CVs, resumes and reference projects?

Flowcase provides a centralized platform where you can easily manage, update, and access your team's CVs, resumes and project references. Our system enables you to easily store your team’s resumes and projects, find your most suitable team or project, tailor the content for the RFP, and export the CV, resume or project into the desired format.

What teams / job roles is Flowcase built for?

While Flowcase is primarily built for bid and proposal professionals, it solves challenges for a range of roles. Marketers can use the platform to ensure design and content consistency, Sales can validate opportunities faster, and HR teams can use the tool as a skills and competency management tool. Additionally, leadership teams can use Flowcase to understand their collective expertise.

What industries is Flowcase built for?

Flowcase is built for professional services firms, including Management Consulting, IT Consulting, Engineering, Construction, Law, Architecture, and others.

How secure is the data stored in Flowcase?

Flowcase prioritizes security and compliance. Our platform mitigates the need for emailing sensitive employee information, reduces version control issues, and provides a clear audit trail of all downloads. Learn more about our privacy features.

Does Flowcase integrate with existing systems?

Yes, Flowcase offers a REST API and native integrations to ensure smooth data flow between complementary proposal automation software and your existing systems. Learn more about our integrations.

What are the key components of an effective CV and resume management system?

An effective CV and resume management system should include features for easy management and usage of CVs and resumes. It should enable teams to easily manage and update CVs, search for team members based on their CV data, tailor content, and export data into the desired format. Ideally, it should also handle project data and link this to the team members involved.

What is the ROI of a proposal management platform like Flowcase?

We often hear that compiling team CVs and resumes is one of the most timely aspects of proposal creation. One survey even indicated that Flowcase can save bid teams over 50 hours per month. If you want our Sales team to run you through the ROI of Flowcase for your specific use-case, feel free to book a demo with them here.