Smidig anpassning av innehåll

Anpassa anbudsdokument med lätthet

Skräddarsy CV:n och referensprojekt på nolltid. Visa hur er verksamhet skiljer sig från konkurrenterna

Används av över 400 företag

Framhäv verksamhetens lämplighet

Skräddarsy profiler och projekt för att uppfylla specifika krav. Redigera innehåll direkt i plattformen, ordna om avsnitt, markera viktiga färdigheter och finslipa varje detalj med enkelhet.

Slipp huvudvärken av versionshantering

Anpassat innehåll är integrerat med CV:na, vilket gör att du tryggt kan presentera anpassade dokument utan att förbise nya CV-uppdateringar. Säg farväl till versionskaoset.

AI built-in

Spara tid genom att återanvända relevant innehåll

Återanvänd enkelt tidigare anpassade sektioner i framtida anbud. Med en databas över skräddarsytt innehåll kan du sätta stopp för dubbelarbete.

Verkliga berättelser från faktiska användare

Därför förnyar 98% av våra kunder

Hör våra kunders egna ord om hur Flowcase har hjälpt dem att skapa vinnande anbud, spara tid och nå sina mål.

"Since 2014, Flowcase has been a cornerstone for Sopra Steria Scandinavia, replacing their internal CV systems. The availability of Norwegian support and a user-friendly interface in Norwegian were key drivers in the decision to implement the tool."

Grethe Milivojevic, Senior Consultant

"After implementing Flowcase, we're already starting to see some benefits - better GDPR and quality control of data, more motivation from employees, and also a quality and easy tender and bid process out to our new and existing customers. Many of our employees need to update their CVs regularly. By having a single intuitive platform to use like Flowcase, this helps the employees to do just that."

Tom Heavens, Senior Manager

"Without Flowcase, Crayon as a global company would have used much more resources in searching and finding the skills and competencies we need to support our customers in the best possible way."

Christine Tank-Nielsen, Global People Development Director
Product overview

From hosting resume data to
presenting bid-winning documents

Administrera CV:n och referensprojekt

Det nya sättet att hantera företagets kompetansdata

Det nya sättet att hantera företagets kompetansdata

Hitta vinnande team och projekt

Sök igenom hela organisationens kompetens

Hitta de bästa personerna och projekten för anbudet, på rekordtid.

Presentera i mallar

Inlämningsklara dokument på sekunder

Generera perfekt formatterade CV:n och fallstudier, utan det manuella arbetet

Frequently asked questions

Is it important to tailor CVs and resumes for specific proposals?

Yes, it’s incredibly important to tailor all of your proposal documents, including your CVs and resumes to the proposal. Tailoring your CVs and resumes shows you’ve understood the requirements and that your people are the most suitable team to tackle the project.

How can I efficiently tailor CVs and resumes for a proposal?

Flowcase offers an efficient and user-friendly solution for tailoring CVs and resumes for proposals, without altering the master version.

What tools are available to tailor CVs, resumes and case studies?

With Flowcase you have a variety of tools available to tailor your team’s CVs and resumes. This includes toggling on or off specific pieces of content, adding or editing text, improving text with AI tools, reordering sections, and highlighting specific achievements.

How can I avoid duplicating work when tailoring my team’s CVs and resumes?

Using Flowcase you can save tailored content and push it back to the master CV or resume, allowing future users to reuse that content - saving time and duplicative workflows.

How can I avoid versioning issues when tailoring my team’s CVs and resumes?

By tailoring CV and resume content, and pushing tailored content to the master CV (without overwriting it), you can build a repository of tailored content. When creating a CV or resume for the proposal, you can cherry pick the content and sections you want, and because it all lives together in one unified space, any profile updates will be accounted for. This is a much more efficient way of generating these proposal documents, as opposed to having multiple versions where no-one is sure what version is up-to-date and ready for use.

How does CV and resume tailoring impact the overall score of a proposal?

While every firm and every proposal reviewer has different parameters for scoring their proposals, we regularly hear that CVs and resumes are gaining more significance in the scoring system. It makes sense to tailor your CVs and resumes to show your team’s best side possible.