Hitta vinnande team och projekt

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Hitta de bästa personerna och projekten för anbudet, på rekordtid.

Används av över 400 företag

Hitta nålen i höstacken

Med sökbar och strukturerad CV-data är det enkelt att hitta kompetens och erfarenhet som möter anbudskraven. Eliminera bias och undvik tidskrävande arbete med CV:n och referensprojekt.

Hitta relevanta referensprojekt

Hitta era mest relevanta projekt som bevisar er framgång. Sök bland kunder, projekttyper, platser med mera och filtrera sedan utifrån en rad olika kriterier för att begränsa resultaten.

AI built-in

Få överblick över er samlade expertis

Exportera data till Excel och få en överblick över företagets samlade kompetenser. Upptäck nya sätt att positionera ert företag, identifiera kompetensluckor och se hur ert team utvecklas över tid.

Verkliga berättelser från faktiska användare

Därför förnyar 98% av våra kunder

Hör våra kunders egna ord om hur Flowcase har hjälpt dem att skapa vinnande anbud, spara tid och nå sina mål.

"Since 2014, Flowcase has been a cornerstone for Sopra Steria Scandinavia, replacing their internal CV systems. The availability of Norwegian support and a user-friendly interface in Norwegian were key drivers in the decision to implement the tool."

Grethe Milivojevic, Senior Consultant

"After implementing Flowcase, we're already starting to see some benefits - better GDPR and quality control of data, more motivation from employees, and also a quality and easy tender and bid process out to our new and existing customers. Many of our employees need to update their CVs regularly. By having a single intuitive platform to use like Flowcase, this helps the employees to do just that."

Tom Heavens, Senior Manager

"Without Flowcase, Crayon as a global company would have used much more resources in searching and finding the skills and competencies we need to support our customers in the best possible way."

Christine Tank-Nielsen, Global People Development Director
Product overview

From hosting resume data to
presenting bid-winning documents

Administrera CV:n och referensprojekt

Det nya sättet att hantera företagets kompetansdata

Det nya sättet att hantera företagets kompetansdata

Smidig anpassning av innehåll

Anpassa anbudsdokument med lätthet

Skräddarsy CV:n och referensprojekt på nolltid. Visa hur er verksamhet skiljer sig från konkurrenterna

Presentera i mallar

Inlämningsklara dokument på sekunder

Generera perfekt formatterade CV:n och fallstudier, utan det manuella arbetet

Frequently asked questions

How can I quickly identify employees with specific skills or experiences that match an RFP?

Using Flowcase, users can easily identify employees with specific skills by simply searching across their database. They can stack search terms and then filter on years of experience and/or competency levels, to find niche skillsets that match the RFP.

How can I aggregate employee data to better understand our firm-wide expertise?

With all your employee CVs and resumes in one system, you can use Flowcase to export your employee data to a CSV file and analyze expertise in a range of ways. For example, you can see how many employees are PMP certified, or how many have experience in sustainability, and reposition your firm accordingly.

How can I identify potential skill gaps in my professional services firm?

Likewise, you can use Flowcase to export your employee data to a CSV and identify any shortcomings. Maybe you’re seeing that Swift is an in-demand programming language, but your workforce lacks this skill. You can identify this skill gap quickly, and either retrain existing employees, or hire new talent with that expertise.

How can I track expiring employee certifications?

Since Flowcase enables you to track certifications, you can export your employee data to a CSV and then simply sort the data by date of certificate expiration. You can of course filter on specific certifications and/or subsets of employees to find more specific information.

How can I identify my company's consultants that are available to work?

By using Custom Fields that track consultant availability, alongside Flowcase’s in-depth consultant search functionality, you can quickly and easily find consultants that are available for work. Additionally, you can also integrate with resource management and/or project planning tools to push availability data into your Flowcase system.