Flowcase Webbinarier
Kolla in våra kommande webbinarier för att lära er mer om Flowcase.
Upptäck Flowcase
För potentiella kunder, upptäck hur Flowcase fungerar och hur det kan förbättra era arbetsflöden:
Online, Recurring every Tuesday, 15:00 Eastern Time (US)
Flowcase: Introduction and Product Demo (US Time Zone)
In this recurring webinar, give a brief into into how Flowcase drives value, before taking you through an in-depth demo of the product.
Flowcase Academy
För existerande användare, upptäck hur ni får ut det mesta av er Flowcase-plattform:

Online, 14:00 CET
April 4, 2025
General User Training (EU Time Zone)
This training is designed for Flowcase beginners. You'll learn everything you need to navigate our platform, create your resume/CV, translate your content, and more.

Online, 14:00 Eastern Time (US)
April 10, 2025
General User Training (US Time Zone)
This training is designed for Flowcase beginners. You'll learn everything you need to navigate our platform, create your resume/CV, translate your content, and more.
Online, 14:00 CET
May 23, 2025
New Feature Training
Join this webinar to learn about our latest features and how to incorporate them in your proposal workflows.