Digitalization of the CV and Case Studies

Did you think your CVs and Case Studies were digital? Think again. Even if you have your word and powerpoint files in a file share, stored digitally in a public or private cloud they are not as digital as you would think. When we say digitalization of the CV we also mean the digitalization of the process of working with CVs and Case studies. By partly automating the formatting, updating and management of your CVs and Case studies, it saves you a lot of time and effort.

Another benefit of the digital CV in a structured, shared and secure database is the search, storage and privacy functionality included in Flowcase. For example you can generate report across large databases getting insights you won’t get from a folder with word or pdf files. Additionally, the advanced functionality of Flowcase, built on top of the structured database allows you to do searches where you filter on years experience, competence level, department etc. Thirdly, the CVs and Case Studies are kept safe and in a secure manner compatible with recent privacy legislation.

In Flowcase your case studies can also contain a lot more relevant and richer information compared to a legacy database or file share. For example, the Flowcase Case Studies can include relevant metadata such as duration, hours spent, contact persons at the clients, quotes for various use cases as well as who participated. And as with the CVs, there are reporting, export and privacy functionality which allow you to have full control over the content and presentation.

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