Getting Started With Flowcase custom CV and Case Study templates

If you have gotten av demo of Flowcase or if you are trying out your Flowcase account for the first time, you will quickly want to test the templates that the tool offers. The templates are often the most powerful, and time saving feature of Flowcase, allowing you to focus on the content of your bids rather than the formatting. Also countless hours of needless copy paste have been saved by Flowcase companies who are good at using our templates.

At Flowcase, we separate CV and Case Study content content (also referred to as "the CV data") with the actual export format, font, colour, logos, sizes and shapes. Since our templates are based on Word and Powerpoint files, we can create styles, fonts, colours and document layout that you are used to. 

We have created thousands of CVs and Case Study templates, each one different and matching a specific client requirement, as well as each client’s way of writing content.

When you get started with a demo account, we will often ask you for a template you use today (for example your Word template). We will use this as a starting point to make sure you get a familiar result when you “Download CV” from Flowcase. This is the first iteration of your template, and you will probably want to have some changes made, or some new templates when you get started with Flowcase. During the demo phase, we try to limit the number of templates you test, and we typically make one template as well as add some demo templates.

Examples of a CV exported in various custom branded templates

On more iterations, we make changes in the template often based on our experience combined with your feedback. This process might lead you away from your current setup. This is often to take advantage of some of the features that our templates can offer, such as automatically calculating years experience, or dynamically add relevant content such as industries, roles or skills. You might also want to use our star marking functionality to make sure the right section is highlighted in a bid. 

There are a few templates that can be chosen in a proposal. Press "Proposals" under "Search and Proposals" and find a proposal. If there are no proposals for your user, you can create one to test. You can copy a few CVs (make sure they have content!) to the proposal and select a few other templates and download the content in another format to see how they could look like.

The templates added is for illustration purposes and might not fit exactly with your use case and your way of working with CVs (content and style). The goal is to showcase the flexibility and to make sure that you are confident that we can build templates that suits your needs. When you sign up with Flowcase, we set up a trial period where we work closely with you in designing the template that works best for you. You will during the trial period most likely  have several company-branded as well as bid specific templates to choose from.

TIP: If you have more templates in your account, free to test some CVs in the other format(s). If fields have not been added to the CV you are exporting and the fields are not included in the export either. Therefore, make sure that the data in Flowcase is there, before you investigate the template.

If you do not have any complete CV in your account, ask your Flowcase contact person to share a CV or Case Study to your account using the proposal collaboration feature.

We normally adapt each template to each client's requirements. When you start with Flowcase, you will work with your bid or marketing team, together with our designer, and build your default Flowcase template. In some cases we recommend to wait until you have learned the features of the tool before you update the template. To get to a point where you have all the high quality templates in your account, you might even want to consult with a graphic designer to make sure that everything works well and looks great every time a CV is downloaded.

Learn more about templates in Flowcase

Some of our templates (examples)

New logo? No problem!

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