How do you find relevant skills and experiences in your organisation?

How do you find relevant skills and experiences in your organisation?

If the answer involves browsing multiple shared folders or workspaces, looking through old bids, searching your email inbox or asking a colleague you are not employing the right practices. If you work in a knowledge intensive or professional services firm, you have to have this knowledge easily available and searchable at all times. In fact, if you do not know immediately where to start to find this information in your company today, you have come to the right place and should read more about Flowcase.

Since Flowcase contains both CVs and Case Studies, which includes all skills, experiences, projects, certifications and courses your employees have, it is the go-to tool where the hunt for relevant experiences or skills should start. For that reason we are spending an increasing amount of time refining our search algorithms, data quality tools and sort/filtering options to reduce friction and time when looking for people with the right skills in the organisation.

In Flowcase we encourage both searching in addition to sorting and filtering. Although, you can also sort, filter and export any data that is in Flowcase, searching is often easier and faster. Search (combined with filtering if the dataset is large) is the easiest way to get insights. Combining searches will allow you to narrow down even further.

Relevant examples of queries performed in Flowcase on a daily basis

The client asks for a technology specialist? Just start typing the name of a relevant technology and a suggestion for either certification, course or skill will appear just below the search tab. If the bid, RFP, RFI, RFQ asks for a specific skill, methodology or technology start typing one of them and get instant results.

Do you have anyone with experience in a relevant industry? Just start type the industry name and the similar or corresponding name used in your organisation will appear as a suggestion.

What have we done for this client before? Who has worked for this client or project before? Just type the client or project name, suggestions to past employers or projects will appear if they exist.

Do you need to include someone with at least _x_ years experience in the bid? Make sure the skills are in master data and tagged to projects and you will be able to filter on years experience.

Do you need a list of all employees with a certain certification or skill, just start typing, hit enter and download the CSV report in seconds.

Data quality and availability is key

To get good results while performing the searches above require both sufficient data quality and up to date data kept in one place. Flowcase ensures both.

By using the Master Data tool in Flowcase, you ensure good quality and consistent data. And by giving your colleagues access to their CV in Flowcase, offer proper training and help texts as well as creating a culture for maintaining and updating the CVs and Case Studies in your organisation everyone will benefit.

Searching is essential for both sales/bids as well as for managers and HR

The above searches is often relevant for bidding and pitching, but also important for other functions in your company. Since Flowcase is a CV and Case Study tool that also allows searching and management of skills and experiences it will benefit both HR and management when trying to navigate the organisation. With Flowcase you get a best of breed CV and Case Study management tool, but also a knowledge database and overview as a by-product of having up to date CVs and case studies for bids. 

Don’t waste time on using word or powerpoint to maintain your CVs and Case Studies, use a tool that also allows you to find relevant skills and experiences in your organisation!

Learn more about how Flowcase is a supercharged tool for knowledge managers and how Flowcase is used as a knowledge management tool. Learn who uses Flowcase, and contact us if you have any questions.

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