Using Flowcase reports to see if your colleagues have updated their CVs

With Flowcase your colleagues will save time when updating their CV. Also all users will see the "Last Updated at" under "Search and Proposals". This information is displayed to encourage users to keeping their CV updated, but also for the bid and sales team to see if the information they want to put into a proposal is current.

Astrid's CV was updated 4 days ago

In addition, normal users have access to the edit history of a CV within Flowcase. This view will give you a quick view of what has happened in the CV recently, here is an example where an admin or department manager has edited a Master CV:

Activity log within a master CV in Flowcase (normal user view)

If you want information on a department or company level, you can get this using the reports, administrators in the account have access to these under "Search and Proposals". The new Flowcase reports will give you a lot of insight into the update status of your colleagues CVs. The information can be broken down into departments, and the information is easily filterable and sortable in Excel.

Select the report "update status and section count"

If you select Excel you can filter and sort based on the time stamp in each column

Screenshot from excel, the columns with time stamps is both filterable and sortable

This report is also available using our Reports API. Some customers have built BI Dashboards using information from these reports to create a more visual or custom view of the data in their Flowcase account. For more information about the reports API contact your customer success manager.

PS: Prompting a colleague to update their CV is easy, simply send them the link to their CV and they will be routed directly to their master CV.

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