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What separates flowcase from in-house and legacy CV databases and tools?

Over the years we have encountered and replaced several “in-house” CV database tools and file shares. These tools are often made by combining off the shelf components from various services such as pdf-generators, sharepoint, file shares and other database tools. We have also seen ERP and HR systems used for sales, bids and proposals despite limited support for those use cases. Having a dedicated tool for the job has several benefits, and an extensive API ensures interoperability with other software. You can therefore still keep the CRM, HR or ERP tool you use today.

What separates Flowcase from in-house software?

Feature updates

One benefit of the SaaS (Software as a Service) model is that all users always have access to the latest version of the tool, no installation or updates needed. Each time a user logs in, the latest updated version of the software is accessed. Like most SaaS vendors, we keep updating and adding features to our product continuously based on observations and feature requests from clients.

Check out our updates page for our latest updated features

User Interface

Flowcase has focused on the user interface and usability of the product since day one. Half of the founding team had backgrounds in user experience. Having a user friendly interface ensures easy onboarding, happy employees, time saved, better data and therefore better bids and proposals.


Frequent software updates, patches and continuous testing of the service is required to meet strict security requirements for most enterprise customers. Flowcase is built on an state of the art web technology platform which includes advanced security features,

Customisable templates

Being able to export the data in both PDF, Powerpoint and Word using custom templates is a very advanced feature that most home made, or standardized, off the shelf databases do not support. This feature is often the easiest way to demonstrate cost savings and ROI for most clients.

Availability and SSO integration

Having a solution which is available in any browser, device and screen size is essential. Most legacy solutions were designed for legacy browsers in an office environment, and not adapted to the latest web and cloud technologies of today. Having SSO (Single Sign On) means that all employees has access to the tool using the same credentials as in other company wide applications. With every employee having ownership over their own CV or Resume, the data is more likely to be up to date with high quality content.


Being able to connect the data from your CVs and Case Studies with other tools is essential for most of our clients. And if it is not a requirement for you now, than in the future it will! The world is becoming increasingly connected, and allowing your apps to connect with each other becomes more and more important. Flowcase has a well documented API, used by many of our customers including Miles and Sysco.

Read the Miles case study

Read the Sysco case study


The cost of maintaining a legacy solution is on average many times the cost of a lightweight, hosted SaaS application. Often legacy solutions were developed in-house, and moving the tools to the cloud is more costly than designing it from scratch. The ownership of internally developed solutions is often vague, and changes over time, causing future development to be time consuming, often with bugs and with a lower quality. The development of these internal tools are mostly not part of their core business, making it a second or third priority in many cases.

Assisted onboarding

Flowcase have automated tools for parsing and import of old documents, spreadsheets and other structured data into our application. This means that we can import the format(s) and data you already have without each user having to manually enter data. This is a huge time saver for most clients, and makes it quick and easy to get full control over the CVs/Resumes and Case Studies you need to win more business.

Reporting and administration

Flowcase has customisable and advanced Excel and CSV reporting capabilities, allowing you to get the data you need, when you need it. Without having to wait weeks for your IT to do a database query. For example, if a client wants to know how many or who has a certain skill, experience, course or certification you can easily export this data on demand.

Data import

We can import your legacy system database, allowing you to migrate easily and efficiently. We do this either by getting a copy of your database, or importing CSV, XML, HTML, or Excel files. When the data is in Flowcase, you can use the advanced master data tool to add translations, categorisations as well as merge duplicates.

Read the Entura case study

Please reach out if you want a quick demo of our off the shelf tool. It can be done in less than 30 minutes.

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