If you are interested in trying Flowcase in your professional services firm, we can set up a demo or trial account. Before we can set up an account, you need to book a quick 30 minute demo with the customer success team. Contact us to book a time here.
Flowcase is the new way of working with CVs and Case Studies. Testing the speed, flexibility as well as security features will also give you confidence in the tool being able to serve your needs and help you achieve an excellent ROI. The Customer Success representative will create a Flowcase SaaS account for you, no credit card or license agreement needed. If you are adding actual personal data to the account, we can also send you a Data Processing Agreement (DPA).
A demo account has access to all features, but for a limited time. We recommend that you and your team have at least 4 hours or more of dedicated time to test the tool over 1-3 week period, and that during the trial period, you should also have time to meet with relevant stakeholders and decision makers in your company.
Create as many users as you need
In the Flowcase trial or demo account you can choose who has access by adding users in the tool itself. You can add as many users as you see fit. We recommend that you test both data input, as well as search, filtering and exporting data. Therefore we recommend that you create at least one complete CV from scratch using the tool, and test how this is exported in a sample or demo template.
Get access to time saving and configurable CV and Case Study templates, as well as onboarding and data import assessment
Initially, you can access some of the demo or standard templates in your Flowcase account. We can also add some of the NGO or public procurement templates for testing purposes if you are submitting these kinds of bids. If you have an internal sponsor or decision maker identified who can also make a purchase decision, we can create your own custom CV or case study template(s). We can easily make adjustments to templates if you are not satisfied with the result of the data export. We can also do a data import assessment, if your CV and Case Study data is easily accessible.
Feel free to use the support chat our customers love
While testing the tool you might have some questions or comments. In which case, feel free to use the chat bubble in the lower right corner when logged in. A Flowcase representative will help you with your questions, just like we are helping our customers every day.
If you are curious to see what benefits you can get from using Flowcase, reach out to us today!