The Flowcase governance team in your organisation should consist of 3-6 people (depending on the size and type of business) and include people from both bid/sales, IT, HR as well as management. The governance team should also have some knowledge of, or been a part of the implementation and use of Flowcase..
Typical tasks for the Governance team include:
- Making sure the right users have the appropriate access level
- Make sure master data is maintained
- Make sure the templates are up to date and works for all use case
- Having appropriate backup as well as contingency plans for both people and data
- Provide second line support for users (our support chat might be first line)
- Create and maintain the help text
- Making sure translations work well
- Serve as contact point for Flowcase customer success team
- Perform training of new joiners
- A contact point for invoicing/POs etc
- A Privacy/DPO contact (Data Processing Officer)
- Communicate internally
Some enterprise, multi country companies might have local governance teams as well as a global team. If you work in a smaller company, the governance team could also be one person. Having regular meetings as well as a defined responsibility will help your company get the most out of your Flowcase subscription. All governance team members should get the quarterly Customer Success newsletter to stay up-to-date with new features in Flowcase.
If you are interested in setting up a governance team in your organisation, or join the governance team in your company. Feel free to reach out to the customer success team here: