Using Flowcase as an employee skills management system

The employee skills management system should be searchable, frequently updated and using both the in-house terminology as well as the clients or industry's terminology. To achieve this goal, Flowcase have a user friendly interface where the user can easily log in and add their skills and experiences. In addition, administrators have a powerful master data tool which allows them to manage the terminology across all users in the company. Combining this with your CVs, resumes, and cases studies allows you to have both control over your skills and experiences, as well as use these to convince potential clients that you have the skills needed to help them succeed.

How employee skills management works in Flowcase:

1. The user logs in to

2. They update each section of their CV or resume including the section called "Skill overview" as well as tag relevant projects with the skills used, acquired or applied during ongoing and completed projects

3. The skills are automatically categorized and searchable across the entire organization

Employee skills management system from an HR perspective
HR also needs to have a good overview over the skills and experiences in order to engage with the employees as well as to find out what competencies to recruit. When recruiting new candidates for relevant upcoming projects or clients, HR can use Flowcase to find people in the organization with matching skills to be a part of the recruitment process.

Skills and career development also includes updating and tracking professional achievements, skills and experiences working as a consultant, lawyer or engineer. Flowcase is therefore often used during performance reviews or one on ones. Going through the skills and projects is a good starting point.

The employee skill management system should also be able to track proficiencies of each skill. In Flowcase, this can be toggled on for both searchability and for exporting this in the CV or as a CSV or Excel file. Learn more about skill proficiency in Flowcase here.

Searching for one (or multiple) skills and filter based on years experience or proficiency level

How to make sure CVs, resumes, and case studies are tagged with relevant skills

Combining CVs, resumes, and case studies with skills and experience management makes sense for many reasons. Firstly, they can augment each other. Second, having one system that captures both saves time and makes it simpler to get an overview. Often this information needs to be captured for sales or bid processes, why not do both at once?

With Flowcase, adding skills to a project, then adding the users will give the user option to select in suggested skills applied during the project. Saving time and assuring that the skills are added. Learn more about skill suggestions and how CVs, resumes, and case studies can be used to augment each other here. 

Example of how skills can be categorized for a user in Flowcase

Your HR system is not an employee skills management system

To get updated information on skills and experiences, you have to have a user-friendly system that allows the user to add this on their own time. Therefore, your HR system should not be your employee management system. Rather, you should have Flowcase available for all employees to capture data, and allow HR to access the Flowcase account to get the most updated information. Alternatively you can even synchronize the updated data with your HR team or system using the reports functionality or the API.

Learn more about how leading professional services firms use Flowcase to manage skills as well as to deliver high quality tailored bids and proposals by signing up for a demo on our website. 

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