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Who is using Flowcase?

Flowcase is a tool for anyone who sells their skills, competency or experience as a service, project or on an hourly basis. Companies that keep their CVs, resumes, references or case studies in a web, Word or pdf format (either in a local folder or online) will benefit from having Flowcase. This will give them  better data, a more streamlined process, as well as less time spent keeping everything up to date. Anyone in the professional services industry as well anyone who works on a project basis, either in consulting, IT, telecom, engineering, design, marketing or PR, law or accounting benefits from having a CV and case studies which track the success stories delivered to each client in each project.

Any company in the professional services industry who are regularly required to deliver a proof or overview of their skills and experiences in a certain format will also greatly value the features in Flowcase. The custom templates allow you to export the most up-to-date data in any format, saving many hours of needless formatting and copy paste. Especially for big public or private tenders, the Flowcase solution will save you many hours making sure the CVs, resumes, references and case studies are submitted in the right format. In some cases, you would not even be able to deliver the bids without Flowcase.

If your skills or competency are either general or very specific, it can certainly be presented in many ways. The solution allows you to easily tailor the CVs, resumes, and case studies to each tender or bid. This allows you to showcase your company’s capabilities better which in turn could help you win more business. Being able to showcase the most relevant information in a visually appealing way has proven to increase the likelihood of beating the competition.

The software allows you to have full control over the skills and experiences in your company. The data is kept in a structured format that allows it to be easily accessible. This means that Flowcase can also be used as a tool to find internal resources. Flowcase can be used as an internal reference, reporting and management tool for any knowledge intensive company.

Flowcases original product was designed towards IT consultancies, but since the beginning the product has matured and we have added features that benefit a wide range of clients. The user base today is both IT consultancies, management consultancies, auditors, accountants, design agencies, PR firms, marketing, law firms, patent agencies, engineering and construction, EPCI’s and architecture firms to mention a few. Check out some of our clients here.

If you, anyone you know or anyone in your company regularly spend their valuable working hours editing, updating and formatting CVs, references and case studies, contact us and learn how Flowcase can reduce the time spent with at least 50%.

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