You are now able to synchronize data between case studies and CVs
As project references in CVs and case studies change over time, it is important that the data in your CVs stay in sync with the data in your case studies. Each case study now has an overview of any data variations which exist in your CVs. We have also added actions to synchronize each field with the push of a button.
When fields in CVs and projects differ, any variations will appear in the list below, provided that the customer name and project name both match.

When reviewing alternative field values, you will get a drill-down overview of the variations for each field, with the option to either override each unofficial field variant with the corresponding official value, or override all fields with their official values.

Only users with edit rights for a CV will be able to override its fields.

This feature gives you better control of the CVs and the Case Studies, and gives users the possibility to clean up data in many CVs at a time.
Future work
We recently made it possible to include customer contact information as part of project experiences in CVs. In the future, we are planning to extend this functionality to allow users to synchronize customer contact data between case studies and their CVs.