Managing multiple professional services brands and identities using Flowcase

Brand value and reputation in professional services

Selling an intangible product, such as a professional service, the brand name, recognition and reputation of the seller is arguably more important than firms in other industries.

Being consistent and "on-brand" is therefore important for most professional services firms such as consultancies, engineering firms and legal services firms. In an increasingly competitive and more consolidated market this is more true than ever. That said, brand names are either kept as is, combined, or scrapped altogether when companies get acquired or merged.

Here are some examples of Flowcase customers who have been through M&A and had to do a rebrand

.. or brand names that have been lost to larger more known brand names (won't mention names here but all of the "big 5" has done this). Maybe you can find more combined companies on our list of customers here?

Managing multiple professional services brands with Flowcase

Learn more about how Flowcase can help you rebrand or find more options to be co branded in this white paper.

Flowcase is perfect fit for companies who use multiple brands, or the same brand with multiple designs, colours or fonts. This is because Flowcase allows for inter-company collaboration, easy discovery and sharing of skills and experiences, and not to mention co branding and using separate brands using Flowcase's flexible and powerful CV, resume and case study templates.

Upselling and cross-selling is a lot easier using Flowcase,. You can quickly search and discover relevant people and skills in the wider organization. Delivering bids with resources from multiple parts of the organization is also done with the click of a button.

Using Flowcase you have flexibility with regards to content creation but also how CVs, resumes and case studies are presented and exported. You can mix and choose templates as needed saving multiple hours of needless copy pasting and formatting.

In a group you want to standardize where possible, like IT and SaaS tools both to get better economies of scale but also to keep it simple and more secure. Flowcase already serve and work with similar organizations and have tools ready out of the box such as having multiple SSO setups (domains) and subdomains for login. Examples of such "families" of companies that enjoy using Flowcase include NoA - The North Alliance, Crayon group, and Peab to mention a few.

With Flowcase you get the best of both worlds, your own unique brand combined with the power of a modern SaaS tool that can easily be deployed and used in an enterprise setting.

Learn more about group setup in this white paper as well as how to integrate with other tools.

Keen to see how Flowcase can work for your organization? Book a product tour with the sales team below.

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