New feature

Roles - years of experience calculation and search

You can now search for users with a certain years of experience for a specific role. We auto-calculate the years of experience based on the duration of project experiences with that role, the same way as we auto calculate the years of experience in skills today. Each user can set an offset if they want to correct the calculation.

This addition includes some changes to 3 areas of the application:

The CV:

There is a new button in the roles overview that will let you see the years of experience of each role and allows the user to create an offset, either an addition to the calculation or a reduction.

Dashboard search:

You can now search for approved roles when looking for CVs with specific role experience. These approved roles are controlled by account administrators using the Masterdata-tool.
When searching for an approved role, you can also filter on years of experience for that particular role, using the same pattern as when searching for approved skills.


The roles was previously found under the tab Project experiences, but following the pattern we already do with the Skills Overview, the roles has now been moved out of this tab into a new tab called "Roles overview". You will find the same options under this new tab as before.